Saturday, October 25, 2008
When you're a girl like me who dreams of being a singer/superstar/composer, having a dad who's a musician could be a great thing.
Not always, though.
It's like, people expect me to be as great as my dad. (I'll talk about that in my next blog entry.) Or to at least know what's great from what isn't. What they don't understand is that we have very different standards.
For example, I honestly don't understand my dad's - or his students' - music. To me, it sounds like a bunch of random notes packaged with a title, and it doesn't make any sense to me. I just don't get it. I don't think it's bad, but it just doesn't register in my head. Get it?
My taste in music is..well, it leans more over to the Ayumi Hamasaki side, although I don't like all of her songs - but most of them. I like pretty much anything catchy, or powerful, or, you know..something that doesn't sound like a plain old tune. I don't care if it's Japanese or not(although majority of it is Jpop). I actually sort of enjoy Britney Spears' old music, or even the Spice Girls during the Spice World era! Then again, songs Ayumi Hamasaki's "Step You" and Crystal Kay's "Kirakuni" really stand out for me. I dunno, they don't just sound plain. They sound amazing, in my opinion. But for my dad and his fellow composers, pretty much any pop song is crap.
And when my dad met the composers after his lecture thingy, they asked what music I liked, so I told them I liked JPop - Ayumi, and all those people, and they were like, "Oh." A disappointed "oh". To them, only Jazz and contemporary music makes sense. And they started talking about Christina Aguilera and Britney's "crap" music, how it's "fooling the youth", yada yada yada.
People all have different tastes. That's a fact. I don't think any ONE person can state which is good or bad as a fact. We all have different tastes. We have different opinions of which is good or bad. And you know what? I like how my tastes are. And I don't really care about what other people like(in a good way!). I have my own opinions, but I respect their tastes.
If only they could respect mine.
the post just doesn't sound right..I'll edit it when I feel like it..which is not now.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
..stuff I've sort of learned
..HEALTH is more important than what you look like on the outside.
I'm done starving myself. Really.
I'm in the healthy range, after all.
And I guess that's much better than being under or overweight.
(Believe me, most Filipinos are underweight. When you're a healthy Pinoy, you're considered "fat". wtf?!).
I'm gonna make this fitness thing a FUN thing. You know, fun? Not deadly?
..yeah. so I went from being thisclose to being overweight, to thisclose to being *almost* anorexic, to being quite alright, to being where I am now.
In fact, I just pigged out at lunch(cookies galore!) BUT I'm gonna eat a light dinner(half a can of tuna in water, anyone?) - and go back to eating healthy tommorow.
And to get rid of my still-flabby buns and thighs, I'm actually gonna try using a dumbell. (Wow! maybe I should start off at one pound..yeah, I'm that weak)
..and, GOODBYE, so-called "fat-free chocolate snacks". Yeah, it's fat-free, but it's sugar-loaded. Hah. Nice one.
I hope I can keep this attitude up.
Because I'm the type of person who can switch from being confident to being overly insecure in a snap.
Pray for meh.

Monday, October 20, 2008
quitting time
I quit Pop Addicted.
I've been warned by Google and Blogger, and I know this happens a lot to online music post-ers.
But it scared me to death.
I'm not risking my account(which includes this blog and my e-mail address) for a couple of links.
Besides, I think I've come to understand how it feels like to see your music, something you worked hard for, to be up for FREE.
I don't think I'm gonna stop downloading stuff, but I'm done with uploading.
I'm gonna miss posting(and showing off my custom covers) though.
To the readers of Pop Addicted,

Friday, October 17, 2008
I've always wanted to do reviews on restaurants, CDs, and other stuff, but I never get around doing it, 'coz I always run out of things to say. So I'm gonna do MINI-REVIEWS - you know, short reviews that go straight to the point!
- I ordered a Thick Toast with Honey and Teh(tea) from Toast Box, and I'm impressed! The toast is crispy on the outside, yet still bread-soft on the inside. It smells really heavenly as well, but I think it could use more honey. The tea is a bit sweet, but I don't really mind. 5/5
- I got a cup of Strawberry Yogurt ice cream from Gelato Fruity - and it tastes really good! I'm not a fan of overly-sweet ice cream, and this is a bit sour, but still on the sweet side. Plus, it's 99% fat-free(it's still loaded with sugar though - but it's definitely better than ice cream). I'm definitely coming back to this kiosk. 5/5
- Chicken Rice is part of the Food Junction in Midvalley, and their specialty is..well, Chicken Rice, which is roasted(?) chicken served with rice, some sort of sauce(which tastes a bit like soy sauce), cucumbers, and chickenstock soup. It's really, really good - and cheap, too! My only complaint is..well, there's just too much rice. Hmm.. I've noticed the Malaysians really love rice - can you imagine, around 2 cups a meal?! 4/5
- Kenny Rogers Roasters(here in Malaysia) has more stuff than the Philippine Kenny Rogers Roasters! Anyway, I ordered the Tangy Chicken Jacket Potato - and I was a bit disappointed. They included the chicken skin in the Tangy Chicken mix(which has some spicy tomato[?] sauce, and corn) - eew. And the "tangy" tomato sauce could do better. I think the restaurant itself is great, but this particular dish was just plain bad. 2/5
- Allure - not as great as I expected. It has lots and lots of articles, but only a few fashion/beauty/whatever pages. But some of the articles have really interesting topics - like insomnia solutions! 3/5
- Cleo(Malaysian Version) - this is one magazine that I won't be tired of reading - it could use more articles, but it has lots of beauty and fashion and etcetera pages which really caught my eye. Plus, even though it's targetted at the same age group as Cosmopolitan readers, it doesn't have as much "all about lust" pages, which is a plus since I'm just fourteen. Older readers might not like it, though. 5/5
- K-Zone(Malaysian version) - the issue I bought had lots of eco-tips, which is good, but not as much content as the Philippine K-zone, and it's a bit more boring. Not much game reviews, either. *yawn* 2.5/5
- PC World - this is another magazine that I'll never be tired of reading. I'm a self-confessed geek, and this is just perfect - HOWEVER, it has some flaws, like, say, I don't know, recommending Norton Antivirus to clean a computer?!?! It's just gonna mess it up more! Everyone knows that! But you've gotta love their brutal honesty - they really point out flaws in programs, and they even have articles like, "How to hack your iPhone" and stuff like that. 4/5
..to be continued.

Thursday, October 16, 2008
was I made to be a composer?
..probably not. because I suck at the simplest things, namely: sightreading and transcribing the brilliant thoughts in my head into notes.
ugh. I really suck. partly because I'm used to being taught the tune in Cherubs - we don't do Solfege, and now I'm seeing the side effects. I read notes like a mule.
I really wanna learn how to play piano - I mean, I already do, but I wanna learn how to sightread. Like Nodame. Or Seri. Even Macky can do it, how come I can't? Because I've only had five piano lessons in my whole life? Poor excuse.
I don't know if I'm gonna succeed with my goals. I just tell myself to work hard, but it's not working.
And to make things worse, my dad doesn't understand. He's a guy, what would you expect? For feeling bad about those stuff, he gets mad; and if I don't tell him what I'm feeling bad about, he gets mad. Gaaaaah.
I don't even wanna do anything but cry. It's not gonna do anything. But nothing I do ever does, right? What's the point?
I sound like such a loser. Such a give-upper. I'm sorry, but I'm weak and fragile; I have dreams, but I just wasn't born strong. Kthxbye.
I really wish I was Seri[my Japanese cousin]. She lost all her weight, and she plays great piano. And I love her fashion style. She must've worked really hard.
I wish I was strong, not a giver-upper. I wish I had the willpower and motivation in me. Well, I don't.

Monday, October 13, 2008
tutorial: how to quickly close IE/Photoshop if it freezes(Windows XP)
NOTE: DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. It works for me, but it might not for you. Always save your work everytime you can. I will NOT be responsible for any damage on your computer.
Yeah, Windows sucks. I know. But that shouldn't mean we should live with it!
So let's say, you're innocently surfing the net(aww..stuck with IE? *shudders*) or making a mean schmean wallpaper, than..*poof!* the program won't respond, and even clicking "end now" won't help. Here's a quick way to close the program:
1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete, to open Task Manager.
2. Go to the "Processes" tab.
3. Look for Iexplore.exe(for IE) or Photoshop.exe(Photoshop) in the list and click it.
4. Click "End Process"(at the lower-right corner).
5. Click "Yes."(this will cancel your downloads, and any new changes to your work won't be saved unless..well, you saved 'em beforehand).
6. Re-open the program!
..it works for pretty much any program, but I don't really know what their "Image Names" are. Remember, I won't be responsible for any damages. I'm no computer technician. I'm just sharing my solution.

Goals are supposed to motivate you, right?
How come it's dragging me down?!
So..I went surfing around for Neopets screenies(FYI: people take screenshots, or "screenies", in Neopets, whenever something great, rare, funny, weird, or glitchy happens, and then they post it in their petpages.) - and got a bit jealous of the people who got screenies of their bank account. They all had, like, 5 million at least. I actually saw someone who had a daily interest of 10,000. WTF..that's how much I earn in a day! So right after going out of the internet cafe, I started writing down my "Neo-goals":
- access to the labray
- a game trophy(come on, just ONE! do I suck that much!?)
- 4 painted pets(one will be my "lab rat")
- 200 avatars
- be a genius at restocking
- earn the "Ultimate Riches" title
- be a battledome-r
- be a kad feeder
ugh. I looked at myself, and thought, "your account's been up for more than a year, how come you haven't achieved any of those?!"
well, let me give you some reasons:
- I was stupid enough to get SCAMMED..and lost 700k.
- I bought a Snowbunny for 500k, expecting the price to go higher..then, the pound opens and it drops to 100k!
- I bought a cloud PB for 300k, and painted my jubjub, then..after about a week, Tarla gives away those precious paint brushes and the price drops to 80k!
- I was actually stupid enough to give away a 30k item to a "friend" of mine, who also stole Php600 from me in real life, but won't admit it.
Ugh. will I ever get there?!
The best way to get there is, of coure..to DO THE DAILIES AND PLAY GAMES EVERYDAY.
But I can't.
Because I made another list of goals - this time, for real life:
- master HTML and Flash
- run my own graphics website
- be thinner
- own more "you can't help but be jealous" stuff
- perfect the art of SEWING USING an *effing* machine!
- be FLUENT in Japanese
- read Japanese text really fast, like how we read English text
- read and write notes really fast, like how we read and write English text
- be really good at playing the piano
- sightread!
- finish writing a novel
- grow my hair
- end Frog Dissection *shudder*
- get teh Best in Music..again..or Math or English award.
- learn how to do technical stuff for recording and arranging music
- be a composer/singer(as in, officially)
- master the art of PIXELLING.
And the list goes on and on..
Noone's perfect, but would it hurt to try?
(That's a yes.)
Maybe when I'm 65, then I'll complete my goals.
I'm only human, I can't achieve all those by the time I'm 18!
..I think.
I hate my stupid laziness. I wish I could spend the whole day everyday doing something to achieve those goals.
..but as I said, I'm only human.

what's happened lately?
..we bought a digicam.
..a Panasonic Lumix FX38, to be exact. (Ayumi's one of their models, I think.)
and I've been toying around with it like an idiot.
But if there's one thing I (sorta) hate, it's CAM WHORES. ugh. I'm definitely not one of them.
I took lots of pictures of the outside world - buildings, trees, and the like.
and..random: I finished levels 9 and 10 of Bounce. (FYI: the NEW Bounce where you can't use the 787898 cheat)

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Today was..great?
We(me, papa, and Shoty) went to Chinatown, and..as expected, I saw lots of fake Prada/Gucci/whoever bags in there, and some exotic food (ehem..DUCK?! eugh.) as well.
It was raining like hell! We were supposed to meet Jay at this hostel - there were lots of foreigners there, and the receptionist was a Filipina.
Anyway. So..Jay introduced us to his friends there. I was a bit scared - they were mostly siga, drinkers, and smokers. And the place wasn't so properly lighted, so it was a bit dark. So, I was trying to act as boyish as possible(who knows what those perverts were thinking), and..we spoke to this Filipina and I found out her sad story: she was supposed to be a maid, but her "boss" wouldn't pay her..so she demanded for her money. and guess what? her "boss" reported her to the police for "stealing". and she had to face jail - metal bars and all. Now, she's a..pr----tute. I felt a bit sorry for her. But I admire her for standing strong, even if it means landing a dirty job..she has to make a living, after all.
On the way back, we crossed this overpass. On one end, there was a man - he looked like he was knocked out(more like sleeping, actually) - but he was holding a cup with a few coins. I felt sorry for him, and gave him my prunes snack pack. On the other end, there was another homeless dude - and he was awake, he was really begging and crying. I didn't have any more food with me, and the general rule is to NEVER GIVE THEM MONEY(since they'll most likely be using them for drugs). I wasn't able to give him anything. What was I supposed to do? But I can't take his face off my mind. I really wish I could do something. The best thing I can do is to PRAY for him. (You too.)
Oh, and save the frogs. Darn, what's the point of teaching us to dissect them if we can do it with computer programs and stuff? It is SO BARBARIC, people. Ugh. And fur clothing - WTF?!
I wouldn't be surprised if God decided to end the world tomorrow.
I know I sound depressed. I am. Because this world sucks. We, the people, suck.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
life in Malaysia(part one)
I know, I haven't updated in forever. But let me give you a quick summary of the first few weeks in Malaysia:
Airport - imagine having nothing to do but sit down for 3 hours.(we were still in the airport that time.) yeah. pretty much. until we got to the section with the shops and everything, I bought some 100-calorie Hershey's snacks(US-made).
Airplane - the bathrooms were soooo cuuuuuuuuute. Everything was so small! They got to fit a whole restroom into one tiny corner. The food was also in little packs. Everything was compressed. Wow. As we got higher, it got colder and dryer and..I couldn't breathe. The air was too cold.
Arrival - we arrived at about 10 pm, and . . well, I was impressed. Everything was so clean! Kuala Lumpur looks really beautiful at night.
Arrival at our flat - my fantasies were over. I hated . .and still hate . . our flat. It's a bit small, it has a certain smell which I hate, and the bathrooms just freaked me out(especially this certain one which had YELLOW WATER coming out of the taps. Eew much?)
First trip out - we had to renew my dad's Visa(or something like that). I couldn't sleep the night before, so I was really, really sleepy. I got to try out Indian food. Spicy.
First trip to the mall - we went to this place called Digital Mall to buy a laptop(which still doesn't have internet) for my dad. We went to this other mall beside it to buy some food. I fell in love with the yogurt! There were so many different flavors and brands. I bought one of each brand. As of now, my favorite is the Marigold 0%Fat yogurt in Berry Mix(or something like that). gotta love berries.
After two weeks - I got back to working out(thanks to my dad's laptop)...and bought New Moon by Stephanie Meyer(it's a bit more expensive here, but I had to have something to read!). I began studying. Yay. I was so caught up with reading New Moon, I finished it in around 4 hours. And I got inspired to write a book.
The week after that: I kept on writing. 'Nuff said.
As of now - WRITER'S BLOCK. I don't write much anymore. *sigh* and..I'm bored most of the time. The only part of the day I look forward to is eating breakfast(granolas are goooooood) and surfing the net. Gash, I sorta wanna go home.
There you go.