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Welcome to my wonderland. This is my blog - a place to rant, rave, and roll about anything and everything. Please, no spamming. No cursing. No flaming. I'm entitled to my own opinion, and if you don't like it, press the red [x] to exit.

..while I may be a happy-go-lucky person at times, I am a big dreamer. I love Japanese things, especially the Gothic and Punk stuff..and Ayumi Hamasaki. I also love Anna Sui-ish graphic art. I enjoy singing, composing, drawing, doodling, surfing the net, watching TV, reading, designing clothes, and sleeping. I try my best not to judge people, but I do have the tendency to be snobbish or stupid at times, but I'm not perfect - nor is anyone else. I believe that all people are born with talent, and that everyone is unique. And if you have a problem with that, then get out.
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mimegirl drawing and coding by me, made with Adobe Photoshop CS2. Pixel graphics from Sugar Pink. Music from RadioBlog. Toys and emoticons from Kao-ani.

Friday, June 12, 2009

things that irritate me

1. the effing hot and HUMID weather. man, I miss Japan.
2. the telephone ringing. I wanna just SLAM the phone down and disconnect it for, like, ever.
3. how my dad just goes into my room without knocking. it happened while I was recording.
4. my big thighs that will never go back to being small unless I'm willing to get Amenorrhea again.
5. how I can't read notes or write notes well. do I really SUCK that much?!
6. my dad. again. for not even being able to teach me how to read notes.
7. my crappy Japanese. gahd, I can't even understand what they're talking about on the news.
8. my hair. it just won't go straight.
9. my thighs.
10. my thighs.
11. Multiply's crappy new look that won't even let me POST.
12. my stupid whiny-toddler attitude whenever things don't go right.
13. my pathetic ranting on my blog about things that irritate me.
14. surrounding myself with people who aren't very good at certain things, make me feel like I'm great, and how I actually BELIEVE them,
15. my short-term-happiness goals.
16. my impulse buying.
17. my inability to calm myself down.
18. being too thankful for what I already have - and thinking there's no more room for improvement.
19. not being thankful for what I already have
20. how I haven't been able to compose or draw anything in a long while.
21. people who say sorry even if it isn't their fault.
22. people who are judgemental.
23. how people stare and laugh at me whenever I go to the mall with my happy happy Japanese wannabe outfit.
24. Wapanese people - otaku who think they're so great at Japanese and boast about it at those stupid anime conventions.
25. my overly-nice attitude.
26. me. myself. and I.
27. how my face isn't quite as thin as it was when I was sick.
28. people who tell me to avoid eating rice whenever I bravely tell them my weight loss-gain adventure.
29. people who think because I gained weight, I'm fat. people, I was SICK when I looked androgynous. and I didn't even gain that much weight.
30. people who compare me to my dad - no, I don't understand his music. I respect it, but there's no way I'm composing something like that.

F***. F***. F*********.
